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string(17) "Saturday,+July+27"

Saturday, July 27

string(10) "Willpower+"


string(362) "You+have+come+to+a+complete+dead+end.+Nothing+seems+to+be+progressing,+and+you’re+tempted+to+admit+defeat.+Consider+such+moments+as+a+test+of+your+willpower;+it+becomes+clear+how+important+it+is+to+follow+your+plans+and+find+the+energy+to+continue,+regardless+of+obstacles.+Otherwise,+you+must+let+go,+start+over+with+a+completely+fresh+and+different+outlook.+"

You have come to a complete dead end. Nothing seems to be progressing, and you?re tempted to admit defeat. Consider such moments as a test of your willpower; it becomes clear how important it is to follow your plans and find the energy to continue, regardless of obstacles. Otherwise, you must let go, start over with a completely fresh and different outlook.

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