Or enter your birthdate

string(20) "Saturday,+February+8"

Saturday, February 8

string(20) "Stifling+indecision+"

Stifling indecision

string(335) "At+times,+you+feel+overwhelmed+by+the+possibilities+and+temptations+that+life+offers.+You+possess+a+lot+of+ideas+and+plans+but+don't+exert+enough+effort+to+make+them+happen.+Decision-making+and+accepting+responsibility+seems+like+hard+work.+It's+your+lethargic+state+that+is+part+of+the+reason+you+feel+frustrated.+So,+be+more+active.+"

At times, you feel overwhelmed by the possibilities and temptations that life offers. You possess a lot of ideas and plans but don't exert enough effort to make them happen. Decision-making and accepting responsibility seems like hard work. It's your lethargic state that is part of the reason you feel frustrated. So, be more active.

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