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string(17) "Saturday,+July+27"

Saturday, July 27

string(25) "Look+after+relationships+"

Look after relationships

string(356) "You’re+relaxed+and+laid+back.+Your+cheerfulness+is+infectious,+and+you+relish+the+fun+you+have+with+everyone+you+come+into+contact.+You+easily+spend+hours+chatting+and+frittering+away+time+just+enjoying+yourself,+when+it+would+be+better+to+concentrate+on+taking+special+care+of+your+relationship.+Work+is+an+unwelcome+distraction+you+would+rather+avoid.+"

You?re relaxed and laid back. Your cheerfulness is infectious, and you relish the fun you have with everyone you come into contact. You easily spend hours chatting and frittering away time just enjoying yourself, when it would be better to concentrate on taking special care of your relationship. Work is an unwelcome distraction you would rather avoid.

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