Or enter your birthdate

string(17) "Saturday,+July+27"

Saturday, July 27

string(25) "Aggravated+communication+"

Aggravated communication

string(351) "Misunderstood,+you+find+it+intolerable+the+way+others+behave+towards+you.+This+is+not+the+best+time+to+meet+up+with+people,+especially+as+you+constantly+feel+so+aggravated+by+what+they+say.+Postpone+visits+and+meetings+with+others+if+you+can,+until+you+feel+more+agreeably+towards+them.+Instead,+use+your+time+for+reflection+and+to+sort+yourself+out.+"

Misunderstood, you find it intolerable the way others behave towards you. This is not the best time to meet up with people, especially as you constantly feel so aggravated by what they say. Postpone visits and meetings with others if you can, until you feel more agreeably towards them. Instead, use your time for reflection and to sort yourself out.

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