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string(17) "Saturday,+July+27"

Saturday, July 27

string(6) "Boost+"


string(360) "No+need+to+be+despondent,+instead+boost+the+way+you+feel+with+some+healthy+recreational+activity.+Remember+you+have+experienced+times+like+this+before+and+understand+this+current+bad+phase+does+not+last+forever.+Try+to+be+more+optimistic;+better+times+are+not+too+long+in+returning,+as+long+as+you+remain+steadfast+and+committed+to+keeping+a+positive+outlook.+"

No need to be despondent, instead boost the way you feel with some healthy recreational activity. Remember you have experienced times like this before and understand this current bad phase does not last forever. Try to be more optimistic; better times are not too long in returning, as long as you remain steadfast and committed to keeping a positive outlook.

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